


Director General, Cancer Research Institute,
Kanazawa University






Takeshi Suzuki


  The Kanazawa University Cancer Research Institute (KU-CRI) was established in 1967 as the only institute solely dedicated to cancer research among the Research Institutes and Centers of Japan National Universities. Over the years, our institute has made numerous pioneering contributions to the fields of basic and clinical cancer research. Our mission is to play a role in establishing a healthy and long-lived society by overcoming cancer through the integration of research findings with the advancement of sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.

  Cancer represents a significant health challenge in modern society, affecting numerous individuals. In particular, the malignant progression of cancer, such as distant metastasis and recurrence due to drug resistance, is closely related to the decrease in survival rate. Consequently, understanding and controlling these aspects is considered essential for surmounting cancer. Recent advancements in genome research and data science have furnished a comprehensive repository of gene mutations and abnormalities in gene expression associated with cancer, greatly facilitating personalized treatment by enabling the selection of appropriate therapeutic drugs. Nevertheless, deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying malignant progression remains an unresolved challenge. To achieve a more profound comprehension of cancer progression, we have arranged our research organization to focus on the areas of “cancer stem cells,” “cancer microenvironment,” “advanced cancer models,” and “molecular therapeutic targets,” and are engaged in cancer research from novel perspectives. Recently, our focus has extended to integrative research, spanning interdisciplinary fields and innovative technologies, to broaden and enhance our research scope. By means of these organizations and collaborations, we aspire to enrich our efforts to clarify the mechanism of cancer metastasis and drug resistance, accumulate innovative basic research achievements, and reinforce our scientific proficiency. In addition, we actively pursue translational research such as drug discovery and clinical trials based on our basic research, with the objective of ushering in a new era of cancer treatment that aims for the complete eradication of malignant diseases.

  KU-CRI has been designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as a Joint Usage/Research Center on “Metastasis and Drug Resistance”. We are devoted to conducting advanced collaborative research with distinguished cancer researchers both domestically and internationally, as well as fostering networking within the cancer research community. Our institute comprises foreign faculty members and actively enrolls foreign students from overseas, with the mission of cultivating globally engaged professional scientists with outstanding research skills and creativity. Additionally, starting in 2023, the “Establishing a collaborative intelligence platform towards extending healthy life expectancy” project was launched with support from the “MEXT Promotion of Development of a Joint Usage/Research System Project: Coalition of Universities for Research Excellence Program (CURE)”. Collaborating with IDAC of Tohoku University, RIMD of Osaka University, and IAB of Keio University, we are establishing an interdisciplinary research hub, “Healthy Life Span Science,” and promoting endeavors to bridge research outcomes with societal implementation by enhancing flexible collaboration and cooperation on an organizational level extending beyond researcher partnerships.

  KU-CRI will continue to promote the activities as a core research center to contribute to the future development of the cancer research community. We would be deeply grateful for your continued understanding and support towards our activities.

Takeshi Suzuki

Director, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University