Collaborative usage/research locations

Other collaborative usage/research materials

1.How to use

Persons wishing to use materials for collaborative research should fully understand the following list of “usage restrictions” before e-mailing in advance with “Collaborative usage/research materials” in the subject line.
Messages will be conveyed to the relevant manager of the research material. After consulting with the manager about details of usage, please fill out the necessary items in the “Application for use of collaborative usage/research materials” and send this to the address for submission provided below.
Research materials are free of charge in principle, but please cover the transportation expenses for the sending of materials (these expenses must be paid on delivery).

2.List of research materials

3.Contact details

Kakumamachi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-1192
Kanazawa University Cancer Research Institute
Tel: 076-264-6775 Fax: 076-234-4527