Collaborative usage/research locations

Collaborative usage equipment

Main common equipment available for use in collaborative research (installed at Central Research Resource Branch)

(1) The following equipment is installed within the location.
Collaborative researchers who wish to use common equipment should refer to the “Common experiment equipment usage reservation system”.
Equipment inside the SPF Animal Experiment Facility is subject to separate SPF Animal Experiment Facility Terms of Use, so please consult with a collaborative researcher.

(2) Operators provide support for the use of Cell Sorter, and assistance is provided for production of pathological tissue samples.

Applicants should submit inquiries to the Central Research Resource Branch.

Common experiment equipment usage reservation system
Kakumamachi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-1192
Kanazawa University Cancer Research Institute
Tel: 076-264-6700
Fax: 076-234-4527