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各関係機関の長 殿金沢大学がん進展制御研究所長
大島 正伸(公印省略)
謹啓 時下益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 このたび,金沢大学がん進展制御研究所では「がん分子標的探索プログラム・分子病態研究分野(分野主任・後藤典子)」において,下記の要項により助教(テニュア・トラック教員)の公募を行うことになりました。 つきましては,貴機関関係者への周知及び適任者の推薦についてご高配を賜りたくお願い申し上げます。謹白
①履歴書 | 1部 |
②業績目録(原著論文、総説など) | 1部 |
③主要論文別刷(コピーでも可) | 1部 |
④これまでの研究概要(1,200字程度) | 1部 |
⑤着任後の研究に対する抱負(1,200字程度) | 1部 |
⑥外部研究資金獲得状況 | 1部 |
⑦本人について問い合わせできる研究者2名の氏名及び連絡先 |
April 23, 2013
Dear the Head/Director of Organization We call for applicant to a tenure track Assistant Professor in Division of Cancer cell biology (Chief: Dr. Noriko Goto), Cancer Molecular Target Exploration Program, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University. Call for Applications is described below. I would like to ask your help to notify this opportunity in your organization and your recommendation of an excellent candidate to this position.
Best Regards, Yours Sincerely, |
Call for Applications: A Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position
- | The position: Assistant Professor (a tenure track position) |
- | The number of post: One |
- | Working form: Full-time employment |
- | Term of office: Five years |
- | Reappointment and promotion: Based on the result of intramural examination on academic achievement on research and education, he/she is allowed to the reappointment to a tenure Assistant Professor or the promotion to a tenure Associate Professor, after the expiration of one’s term of office |
- | Outline for the standard to approve academic tenure: (1) Both domestic and international research achievement in concerned field is outstanding. (2) Appropriate research plan is achieved. (3) He/she obtains sufficient competitive research funding and performs research activities. |
- | Incentive: Financial support for startup of research and presentation for publication in international meeting |
- | Other: Work involved in management and control of institute is reduced. |
(1) | Applicant must be excellent researcher who has research achievement in the research area described above and have ability to drive his/her research project as Assistant Professor. |
(2) | Applicant must have Ph.D. degree, or applicant must have research career comparable to Ph.D. researcher. |
① | Curriculum vitae | 1 set |
② | Publication list (original papers, review articles, etc) | 1 set |
③ | Reprint(s) of main original paper(s) (copy is permitted) | 1 set |
④ | Outline of past research (nearly 1,200 characters in Japanese or 500 words in English) |
1 set |
⑤ | Research aim and project after arrival to this position (nearly 1,200 characters in Japanese or 500 words in English) |
1 set |
⑥ | List of external research funds acquired by applicant | 1 set |
⑦ | Name and address of two researchers to whom one can inquire about applicant | 1 set |