Japan is confronted with a rapidly aging society where cancer causes one in three deaths. While significant progress in cancer treatment has been made over the past several decades, curative treatments remains elusive for many types of cancers due to persistent problems, such as tumor heterogeneity and drug resistance. Understandably, the society continues to place high hopes and expectations on cancer research. To meet this demand and the stern scientific challenge posed by this disease, the Kanazawa University Cancer Research Institute (KU-CRI) has assumed a central role in the field of Cancer Metastasis and Drug Resistance. To this end, the Institute strives to deepen our research by actively promoting collaborative research with researches nationwide. By leveraging our core expertise in cancer stem cells and the tumor microenvironment, we aim to uncover the underlying causes of carcinogenesis, cancer metastasis and resistance, as well as collaborative research projects related to molecular targeted treatment. In support of this high aspiration, the MEXT has re-commissioned the KU-CRI as a “leading collaborative center for cancer metastasis and drug resistance research” from 2016 for a duration of six years. To fulfil this task, the Institute hereby calls for application for research proposal to be conducted in collaboration with the faculties of KU-CRI, to utilize the biomedical resources and state-of-the-art equipment available at our Institute. In FY2021, of domestic collaborative research project, We plan to actively support Young Researchers Incentive Projects and Female Researcher Projects.
Young researcher incentive research projects
A special allocation will be made to (~30) young researchers to conduct collaborative research projects with KU-CRI faculties, as an initiative to nurture and support young researchers engaged in cancer research. A young researcher is classified as aged 39 or younger as of 1 April 2021. Young researcher incentive projects, in general, will be supported more generously than general research projects. Applications are cordially welcomed.
Interdisciplinary research projects
Since FY2017, Kanazawa University has been engaged in an interdisciplinary research initiative called the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), in which the KU-CRI has also participated. This initiative intends to study and elucidate the molecular and cellular dynamics involved in the malignant transformation of cancer, using the world’s most advanced bio scanning probe microscopy (Bio-SPM) technology and supermolecular chemical technology. In furtherance of this interdisciplinary research initiative, the KU-CRI invites applications for collaborative research projects related to Bio-SPM. For details, please visit the website for applying for Bio-SPM technology collaborative research projects.
No | Item | Domestic collaborative research project (CRP) | International CRP | Interdisciplinary CRP |
1 | Eligible applicant | The faculties affiliated with colleges, universities or public research institutions | ||
2 | Research period | April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026 | ||
3 | Application procedure |
i. Confirm details of your CRP in advance with the Institute’s teaching staff by referring to the List of Applicable Research Topics. ii. Prepare application documents (an application for a domestic collaborative research project and a written consent). iii. Submit application documents. |
Applications should be submitted jointly with the relevant teaching staff of KU-CRI. – Application form ![]() |
i. Cancer research topics that are of exceptional calibre and SPM technology and other interdisciplinary research. |
4 | Application deadline | No later than Fri, 31 Jan. 2025 | Any time | |
5 | Address and contact | The KU-CRI Office for Joint Usage / Research Center, Kanazawa University Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan TEL: +81-76-264-6702 E-mail: kyoten@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp |
6 | Selection | Each application will be evaluated by an expert committee that include external cancer researchers | ||
7 | Notification | i. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by Fri, 29 Mar. 2024 (subject to change) ii. Successful applicants will be appointed “Collaborative Researchers of Kanazawa University Cancer Research Institute.” |
Any time | Any time |
8 | Number of projects to be accepted |
Approx. 55 projects(Of these, Approx. 20 Young researcher incentive research projects, Approx. 10 Female Researcher Projects.) |
Approx. 10 projects | Approx. 5 projects |
9 | Core expenses | Expenses incurred in CRPs (supplies and travel expenses) are covered by the Institute within the budget. Note: The amounts of travel allowances are determined in accordance with the Kanazawa University Personnel Travel Expense Regulations. |
Travel, accommodation and research costs incurred in collaborative research conducted during visits to the Institute for several days. | Travel and accommodation expenses |
10 | Maximum budget | 400,000 yen (300,000 yen for applications for extension) | 300,000 yen | 200,000 yen(100,000 yen for applications for extension) |
11 | Submission of report | Deadline no later than Thu, 30 April 2026. i. Use the designated form provided; ii. Instructions and other details for the completion of the report will be provided at a later date; iii. Reports will be published on the Institute’s website, etc. |
– | – |
12 | Other requirements | i. Scientific publications containing data generated from a CRP funded by this program will include in the Acknowledgment with the following sentence: “This work was partly supported by the Extramural Collaborative Research Grant of Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University.” or “The research resources (facility) and technical advicces were kindly provided by the Joint Usage / Research Program of Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University.” and so on. A copy of the published manuscript will be submitted to the address provided in Section 5. | ||
ii. A project by the same Principle Investigator may continue for a maximum of three years, in principle. However, this does not apply to a project whose continuation is expected to produce major achievements. | ||||
iii. The handling of intellectual property rights is subject to the Kanazawa University Collaborative Research Handling Regulations. | ||||
iv. The results of each CRP must be reported through oral or poster presentations, and reported at symposia and results briefing sessions organized by the KU-CRI. | – | – |
No | Item | Domestic collaborative research project (CRP) | International CRP | Interdisciplinary CRP |
13 | Facilities and equipment available at the Institute |
(1) Resources and facilities available for collaborative research i. Human Cancer Tissue Bank and Cell Resources (2) Central Research Laboratory |
In addition to those listed in the left column, the following Bio-SPM equipment at Kanagawa University NanoLSI: i. Super-resolution AFM (FM-AFM and 3D-AFM) ii. High-speed AFM iii. Scanning ion-conductance microscope (SICM) |
List of Applicable Research Topics
No. | Name | Applicable research task | |
Research field | |||
1 | Prof. Atsushi Hirao Division of Molecular Genetics |
Clarification of stem cell characteristic control mechanism and investigation of cancer therapy target molecules | Interdisciplinary CRPs related to cancer research |
2 | Prof. Masanobu Oshima Division of Genetics |
Mouse and organoid model study for gastrointestinal cancer and metastasis |
3 | Prof. Chiaki Takahashi Division of Oncology and Molecular Biology |
Investigation of metabolic mechanism of undifferentiated cancer cells | |
4 | Prof. Noriko Gotoh Division of Cancer Cell Biology |
Analysis of molecular mechanism of cancer malignancy using cancer stem cell culture system of solid cancer | |
5 | Prof. Yoshikazu Johmura Division of Cancer and Senescence Biology |
Research of cellular senescence in cancer development and malignancy | |
6 | Prof. Takeshi Suzuki Division of Functional Genomics |
Research into epigenetic control of cancer malignancy | |
7 | Prof. Eishu Hirata Division of Tumor Cell Biology and Bioimaging |
Research on tumor microenvironment |
8 | Prof. Kazuo Okamoto Division of Immune Environment Dynamics |
Analysis of immune cell dynamics and bone microenvironment in cancer progression |
9 | Prof. Hiroaki Taniguchi Division of Innovative Cancer Control Research |
Development of diagnostic markers for drug resistance in cancer and the development of innovative cancer therapies |
10 | Prof. Hideko Isozaki Division of Genome Biology |
Study on innate immunity and genomic instability in cancer evolution |
Other matters
“For the objectives, research topics, recent major achievements, etc. in each research field, see below: