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優秀演題として鈴⽊結⾹⼦さん(慶應義塾⼤学先端⽣命科学研究所)「HSPB1-SLC7A5 は ER 陽性乳がんにおいて多剤耐性を誘導する」、明果瑠いるまさん(東京理科⼤学⽣命医科学研究所)「細胞競合マーカーの探索」、安藝翔先生(東京⼤学先端科学技術研究センター)「PIPs 代謝を介したミトコンドリアダイナミクスの新機構」が選出されました。選出された演題については、第11回がんと代謝研究会にて発表が行われる予定です。(報告:河野)
On May 16-17, 2024, the 6th Cancer and Metabolism Meeting for Young Scientists was held at Okayama University. This meeting aimed to provide a forum for young scientists to interact and exchange information through presentations of their research, fostering the next generation of scientists in the fields of cancer and metabolism. This year’s presentations focused on immunity and its understanding from a metabolic perspective.
Assistant Professor Susumu Kohno and Ph.D. student Linxiang Gong from our institute participated and made presentations. In addition to young scientists, young principal investigators who have just started their laboratory also gave presentations. The event featured active questions, suggestions, and heated discussions that often exceeded the allotted time.
Outstanding presentations included “HSPB1-SLC7A5 Induces Multidrug Resistance in ER-Positive Breast Cancer” by Yukako Suzuki (Keio University), “Exploration of Cellular Competition Markers” by Iruma Aktar (Tokyo University of Science), and “Novel Mechanism of Mitochondrial Dynamics Mediated by PIPs Metabolism” by Dr. Sho Aki (The University of Tokyo). The selected abstracts will be presented at the 11th Cancer and Metabolism Meeting.