



  各関係機関の長 殿



                                  大 島  正 伸(公印省略)     





謹啓 時下益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。






1.公募人員:助教又は准教授(テニュア・トラック教員) 1名

・所  属:金沢大学 新学術創成研究機構(がん進展制御研究コア・がん分子標的探索応用ユニット)


・任  務:上記研究ユニットにおいて、「若手主任研究者(若手PI)」として学問分野融合型研究の



          (研究ユニットにおける研究内容は、2.公募研究領域 を参照のこと)


・給  与:国立大学法人金沢大学における年俸制を適用


※ テニュア付与基準の概略



 (3)十分な競争的研究資金を獲得し、研究を遂行していること  など

※ インセンティブ:研究経費として100万円程度(5年間)を措置する。そのほか、海外での研究発表に係る




















  ①履歴書                                         1部

  ②業績目録(原著論文、総説など)                 1部

  ③主要論文別刷(コピーでも可)                   1部

  ④これまでの研究概要(1,200字程度)                      1部

  ⑤着任後の研究に対する抱負(1,200字程度)                1部

  ⑥外部研究資金獲得状況                           1部










6.応募締切  平成27年11月30日(月)17時(必着)






















  〒920-1192 金沢市角間町

  金沢大学がん進展制御研究所長 大島正伸





  選考委員長  平尾 敦

  e-mail: ahirao@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp





October 20 , 2015


Dear Head/Director of Organization


A new organization “Institute for Frontier Science Initiative” has been established and starts from April 2015 at Kanazawa University. The Institute for Frontier Science Initiative in Kanazawa University promotes inter-, cross-, and multi-disciplinary researches, leading to creation of innovative fields of study.


We call for applicants for tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in “the Cancer Research Core” that belongs to the Institute for Frontier Science Initiative. This Assistant or Associate Professors hold the additional posts in the Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University. The Call for Applications is described below. I would like to request your assistance to notify your organization about this opportunity and your recommendation of an excellent candidate to this position.


Yours Sincerely,




Prof. Masanobu Oshima


Cancer Research Institute,

Kanazawa University




Call for Applications: Tenure Track Assistant or Associate Professor Positions

                    (Application period extended)



  1. Position and Qualification

     1-1. Position: Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (tenure-track positions)

     1-2. Number of open positions: One

     1-3. Affiliation: Research unit for Molecular Therapeutic Target, in the Institute for Frontier Science

            initiative and the Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University


     1-4. Role:

            Principal Investigator (PI) who are assigned as Assistant or Associate Professor of this open

            position is obliged to vigorously promote inter-, cross-, and multi-disciplinary researches.

            Additionally, selected PI is obliged to fulfill the duty as faculty members at the Cancer

            Research Institute of Kanazawa University (see for details in “2. Research area”).

     1-5. Type of employment: Full-time

     1-6. Term of office: Five years from the date of appointment

     1-7. Reappointment and promotion:

            Based on the result of intramural examination on academic achievement in research and

            activity in education, he/she may have opportunity for the reappointment or the promotion

            to a tenure researcher, after the expiration of one’s term of office.

            * Outline for the standard in making decision on the approval of academic tenure:

             (1)Scientific achievement in the concerned field is outstanding in both domestic and

                     international research communities.

             (2)Appropriately planned research is sufficiently achieved.

             (3)He/she obtains sufficient competitive research funding and performs high research


     1-8. Incentive:

            The expected financial support for each researcher is about \1,000,000, and this lasts for

            at least for 5 years as far as you are employed. Extra-budget might be considered for travel

            expenses to participate in the international conferences. In this occasion, you are expected

            to present your paper.  



  1. Research area

In the Cancer Research Core, researchers from a wide variety of fields including natural science, engineering and basic/clinical medicine cooperatively promote cutting-edge research aiming to understand molecular mechanisms underlying cancer development and malignant progression. Particularly, researchers will be engaged by studies on drug resistance and metastasis, individually focusing on 1) cancer stem cells, 2) tumor-associated microenvironments, 3) therapy-applicable molecular targets and 4) advanced type cancer models. To accomplish their mission, applicants should have obtained sufficient scientific experience of the related research fields and will be highly encouraged to collaborate with other members in this research core. Specific aims of individual research unit is as follow:


・Research Unit for Molecular Therapeutic Target

The discovery of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes has enabled collect prediction of cancer prognosis and the development of well-evidenced cancer therapies. The research objective in this unit is to identify therapy-applicable molecular targets, which are involved in cancer genetics, epigenetics, signal transduction, cellular metabolism, tumor microenvironments and stem cell regulation. The expected goal of the project is to identify novel molecular targets applicable to cancer therapies in clinics.


  1. Arrival time at the post

     At the earliest possible date on or after March 1st, 2016


  1. Qualifications

  (1)Applicant must be an excellent researcher who has research achievement in the research area 

          described above and have the ability to drive his/her research project as Assistant or

          Associate Professor.

  (2)Applicant must have a Ph.D. degree, or applicant must have research career comparable to

         a Ph.D. researcher.


  1. Documents for application (documents must be written in Japanese or English)

     ①Curriculum vitae                                        1 set

     ②Publication list (original papers, review articles, etc)                    1 set

     ③Reprint(s) of main original paper(s) (copy is permitted)               1 set

     ④Outline of past research                                                     1 set

        (about 1,200 characters in Japanese or 500 words in English)    

     ⑤Research aim and project after arrival to this position                  1 set

        (about 1,200 characters in Japanese or 500 words in English)

     ⑥List of external research funds acquired by applicant                  1 set

     ⑦Name and address of two researchers whom one can be inquired about applicant          1 set

     * E-mail address and contact address must be provided in the curriculum vitae.

     * Submit hard copies to the mailing address provided below. Electric data of these documents

       also must be submitted.



  1. Deadline for application

     November 30st, 2015 Time: 17:00 Japan Time (must be received no later than this time)



  1. Others

     (1) The regulations for salary and term of office after granting of tenure are described in

          the attachment in URL below.




     (2) Kanazawa University promotes gender equality. Please see the URL below for detail.



     (3) A new graduate course parented by this research organization is supposed to launch within

          a few years. The selected PIs may be involved in this new program as core members.


     (4) In case there are multiple applicants with equal qualifications, female or foreign national

          applicant will be prioritized in selection.



  1. Mailing address

     Dr. Masanobu Oshima


     Cancer Research Institute

     Kanazawa University

     Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa City

     Ishikawa 920-1192




  1. Contact information

     Dr. Atsushi Hirao

     The Chair of Selection Committee

     E-mail: ahirao@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp