



各関係機関の長  殿

大島  正伸(公印省略)




  謹啓  時下益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 このたび、金沢大学がん進展制御研究所では「がん幹細胞研究プログラム・腫瘍遺伝学研究分野(分野主任・大島正伸)」において、下記の要項により助教(テニュア・トラック教員)の公募を行うことになりました。 つきましては、貴機関関係者への周知及び適任者の推薦についてご高配を賜りたくお願い申し上げます。


  1. 公募人員:助教(テニュア・トラック教員) 1名
      (3)十分な競争的研究資金を獲得し、研究を遂行していること など
  2. 公募研究領域
  3. 着任(採用)時期:平成26年4月1日以降のできるだけ早い時期
  4. 応募資格
  5. 応募書類(A4に記載のこと(様式は問いません)。)
     ①履歴書  1部
     ②業績目録(原著論文、総説など)  1部
     ③主要論文別刷(コピーでも可)  1部
     ④これまでの研究概要(1,200字程度)  1部
     ⑤着任後の研究に対する抱負(1,200字程度)  1部
     ⑥外部研究資金獲得状況  1部
      ※ 履歴書にはメールアドレス及び連絡先をご記入ください。
      ※ 併せて、電子データでも提出願います。
      ※ 選考の過程において、講演や面談のためにご来学いただく場合があります(交通費の支給はいたしません)。
      ※ 提出いただきました履歴書等の書類は、個人情報に留意して処理し、返却いたしませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  6. 応募締切  平成26年1月31日(金)17時(必着)
  7. その他
     ※ 給与等については、金沢大学職員給与規程(下記のURLをご覧下さい。)によります。
     ※ 金沢大学では、男女共同参画を積極的に推進しています。詳しくは下記のURLをご覧下さい。
     ※ 金沢大学テニュア・トラック制度及びテニュア付与後に適用される任期に関する規程は下記URLをご覧ください。
  8. 書類提出先
     〒920-1192 金沢市角間町
     金沢大学がん進展制御研究所長 大島正伸
  9. 問い合わせ先
     選考委員長  平尾 敦
     e-mail: ahirao@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp


Kanazawa University Cancer Research Institute


“Open Position (Five-year fixed-term contract)”
Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Cancer Research Institute,
Kanazawa University
(Application deadline: January 31, 2014)

Kanazawa University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes international and female applicants.

  Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University invites applications for a full-time faculty position. We are seeking candidates at an assistant professor level.
  1. OPEN POSITION: Assistant Professor (Tenure-track)
    Position description: Assistant Professor, full-time, 5-year term of contract
    Promotion system accompanied by review at completion of the term: Based on the results of an internal review by Kanazawa University concerning research and educational achievements, the promotion to tenure associate professorship or the appointment of tenure assistant professor is possible.
    Outline of the tenure standards:(1)Both domestic and international research achievement in concerned field is outstanding;(2)Appropriate research plan is achieved;(3)He/she obtains sufficient competitive research funding and performs research activities.
    Incentive: Financial support for presentation for publication in international meeting
  2. AFFILIATION: the Division of Genetics,(Chief: Dr. Masanobu Oshima), Cancer and Stem Cell Research Program, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
  3. RESEARCH AREA:The role and molecular mechanisms of inflammatory microenvironment in metastasis and relapse of gastrointestinal cancers, and regulation of microenvironment in malignant progression will be investigated.  Mouse genetic studies will be used for elucidation of molecular mechanisms of gastrointestinal cancer development and malignant progression.
     (1) Applicants should hold a doctorate degree or are scheduled to earn a doctorate degree by the date of employment.
     (2) Applicants should have the capability to perform research with a broader view and perspective in the field of research mentioned above.
     (3) Applicants should be cooperative and highly motivated to perform research with faculty and staff members of the Institute.
  5. DATE OF EMPLOYMENT: April 1st, 2014 (negotiation for later date is possible)
  6. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: The following documents, in an A4 or letter size and in compact disk, need to be provided. The documents must be written in Japanese or English. The submitted documents will be destroyed after the completion of the selection process.
      a. Curriculum vitae with a recent photograph of the face, describing present address, phone number, e-mail address, academic career, research career, professional career and others.
      b. List of research activities, including original scientific papers, book chapters, other publications, presentations in scientific meetings, awards and others. Note; names of the co-authors in individual papers should be indicated in appearance order.
      c. List of research support (duration, name of grant, title of education/research, and amount of money should be included.)
      d. Details of research experiences (nearly 1,200 characters in Japanese or 500 words in English)
      e. Ambition for future research (nearly 1,200 characters in Japanese or 500 words in English)
      f. List of two recommenders
      g. Other materials worthy of special mention
    Send all the documents by registered mail with “Application Enclosed” marked on an envelope to Professor and Director Masanobu OHSHIMA at Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University, Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan
  7. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 31, 2014 Time: 17:00 Japan Time
  8. SELECTION PROCESS: After reviewing the submitted documents, short-listed applicants may be asked for an interview.  Kanazawa University does not reimburse travel expenses for interviews.  If an on-site interview is not feasible, an interview via the Internet is possible.
  9. CONTACT PERSON: Dr. Atsushi Hirao,The chair of selection committee
    E-mail: ahirao@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
  10. OTHERS:
     (1) Remuneration follows the Kanazawa University Regulations
    (http://www.adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ad_syomu/jyouhoukoukai/soshiki/pay1.pdf別窓で開きます  (in Japanese))
     (2) Kanazawa University promotes a gender-equal society
    (http://cdl.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/別窓で開きます (in Japanese)).
     (3) For the tenure-track system at Kanazawa University and the regulation for term of office after granting of tenure, please see the URLs below.
    (http://www.adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ad_syomu/jyouhoukoukai/soshiki/tenure.pdf別窓で開きます  (in Japanese))
    (http://www.adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ad_syomu/jyouhoukoukai/soshiki/term.pdf別窓で開きます  (in Japanese))