Ishitani T. Comparative genomics and killifish genetics reveal novel factors that determines the rate of systemic aging. The Joint Kick-off Meeting of the A3 FORESIGHT PROGRAM “Cellular Senescence: from Pathophysiology to Treatment” supported by JSPS. Osaka. 2024/01. [Oral Session (E)]
Murata K. Analysis of mechanisms that regulate the tumor malignancy in Lgr5 expressing gastric cancer cells. The 3rd International Global Cancer Consortium Conference. Navi Mumbai, India. 2024/02. [Oral Session (E)]
Asa M, Morita D, Sugita M. Lipopeptide antigen presentation mediated by classical MHC class I molecules. CD1-MR1 2024 Scientific Meeting. Tasmania, Australia. 2024/02. [Poster (E)]
Oshima M. Cluster Migration and Polyclonal Metastasis of Intestinal Tumor Cells. Duke-NUS/NCCS & Kanazawa University CRI Joint Symposium. Singapore. 2024/03. [Lecture (E)]
Hirao A. Critical roles of metabolic and immune responses in hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis. Duke-NUS/NCCS & Kanazawa University CRI Joint Symposium. Singapore. 2024/03. [Lecture (E)]
Gotoh N. Heterogenous breast cancer stem cells sustain in primary and metastatic cancer stem cell niches. Duke-NUS/NCCS & Kanazawa University CRI Joint Symposium. Singapore. 2024/03. [Lecture (E)]
Takakura N. Endothelial stem cell population in the pre-existing blood vessels for health and diseases. Duke-NUS/NCCS & Kanazawa University CRI Joint Symposium. Singapore. 2024/03. [Lecture (E)]
Hirayama A. Metabolomic profiling of cancer-derived extracellular vesicles using highly sensitive metabolome analysis. Duke-NUS/NCCS & Kanazawa University CRI Joint Symposium. Singapore. 2024/03. [Lecture (E)]
Kawaoka S. Why are cancers so deadly? Cancer cachexia. Duke-NUS/NCCS & Kanazawa University CRI Joint Symposium. Singapore. 2024/03. [Lecture (E)]